7 Perks of Being a Grandparent

7 Perks of Being a Grandparent

October 18, 2022 Off By ISF.com

Being a grandparent is one of the best things we as humans have to look forward to when it comes to amassing birthdays and growing older. If you have transitioned from being a parent to a grandparent, you understand all the great things that come with the title. Whether you are a brand-new grandparent or have a few dozen grandchildren to keep track of, there are so many perks of being a grandparent.

1. Grandparents Get To Spoil Their Grandchildren

One of the best things about being a grandparent is that you get to spoil your grandchildren. You can buy them all the toys they want, hand-pick their new baby shoes and onesies, take the older grandkids out for ice cream whenever you want, and give in to their every whim. After all, that’s what grandparents are for.

2. Grandparents Make Awesome Role Models

Another great perk about being a grandparent is that you get to be a great role model for your grandchildren. You can teach them about your hobbies and interests, share your wisdom and life experiences with them, and help them become well-rounded individuals. You can also be there for them when they need someone to talk to and give them extra love and support. All in all, being a grandparent is a great way to guide your grandkids on the way to becoming young citizens.

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3. Grandparents Can Pass Down Their Wisdom and Knowledge

Grandparents are usually some of the most experienced people around. If you are a grandparent or are about to become a grandparent, it would only be natural that you would want to pass down your wisdom and knowledge to your grandchildren. Whether it’s teaching them how to cook or bake, how to fix a car or change a tire, or how to overcome life’s challenges, grandparents have a lot to offer when it comes to helping their grandchildren grow and learn.

4. Grandparents Get a Second Chance at Being Parents

Did you love being a parent so much that you couldn’t wait for your children to have children? If you miss the early years of parenting, you might relish the opportunity to enjoy them all over again — only this time with your grandkids. This time around, you will probably have a lot more patience, time, and energy to offer your grandchildren, which makes for a much more enjoyable experience all around.

5. Grandparents Can Travel With Their Grandchildren

One of the great things about being a grandparent is that you can take trips with your grandchildren without having to assume all the responsibilities that come with being a parent. You can go on fun day trips, weekend getaways, or even longer vacations without having to worry about things like bedtimes, homework, or soccer practice. All you have to think about is making sure your grandkids are having a good time and you have plenty of baby clothes packed just in case the fun gets messy. 

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6. Grandparents Get To Babysit Whenever They Want

Do you remember how great it was to have a babysitter when you were a kid? Well, now that you are a grandparent, You get to be the babysitter. You can have your grandchildren stay overnight whenever you want and take them to the movies or out to eat. You can schedule fun weekends or after-school jaunts at the ice cream parlor. Additionally, your grandchildren’s parents will be able to enjoy some special time together and will appreciate you that much more for it.

7. Grandparents Get Their Own Special Holiday

Did you know that there’s an entire holiday devoted to grandparents? That’s right. National Grandparents Day is celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Not only do you get to spend time with your grandchildren, but you also get your own special day where you can be recognized and appreciated for all that you do.

So, there you have it — seven great perks of being a grandparent. If you’re already a grandparent, then you know just how true all of these statements are. And if you’re not a grandparent yet, then maybe this leaves you eagerly anticipating the day when you take on the role with open arms. Either way, there’s no denying that being a grandparent is one of the best things in the world.

When it comes down to it, perhaps the best thing about being a grandparent is getting to experience the joys of childhood all over again, but this time in a different and uniquely special role. There is nothing quite like watching your grandchildren grow and learn new things, knowing that you had a hand in shaping their lives. Being a grandparent is also a great way to stay young at heart.

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