3 Basic HVAC Troubleshooting Tips You Should Know

3 Basic HVAC Troubleshooting Tips You Should Know

January 11, 2024 Off By ISF.com

Your HVAC system keeps you nice and toasty in the winter and  cool in the summer. This constant motion may strain its components and cause them to malfunction. When your unit breaks down, conditions in your home can become unbearable. 

You can only imagine what it must be like to have intense heat in the summer and freezing nights in the winter. These conditions can affect your health and make home a difficult to live in. The upside of this is that you can repair many little problems yourself. However, on other occasions you might have to call an HVAC Omaha technician to test your unit and fix the offending parts. Keep reading to learn about 3 basic troubleshooting tips that can save you money. 

  1. No Power Supply

Your HVAC may appear dead because of inadequate or no power supply. The circuit breaker can trip due to a surge, cutting off the current supply. You can reset your device by checking the circuit breaker and flipping the switch. Rodents and other critters can also chew and damage the wires that supply power to your system. Replacing these codes can restore the supply to your unit and cause your HVAC to continue its operations. 

An unplugged outlet could also be the cause of lack of power to your system. Before contacting a technician, ensure the unit is plugged into the outlet. If it doesn’t work, something could be wrong with the port or the system’s internal components.

  1. Inadequate Cooling

HVAC systems are designed to cool and warm homes. Unfortunately, they may stop cooling your house due to several reasons. The system’s vents could be blocked. If even one of them is obstructed, some rooms in your house will feel warmer than the others. You can fix this issue by simply opening the air vents and cleaning the dirt blocking the airflow. 


If the vents are clean and clear, the condenser could be the culprit for the inadequate cooling. The condenser is usually located outside the system and is easy to find. Grass and other weeds may grow on this component, blocking its coils. You can clear the debris on the condenser using water from a garden hose. Just direct the pressured water on the grill housing of the HVAC unit and it will eliminate the blockage. 

  1. Unpleasant Odor

A properly functioning HVAC system shouldn’t emit unpleasant smells. If it does, then there could be a problem. Depending on their source, odors can cause serious health risks when circulated within your home. The smell could be coming from burnt wires or mold. 

A leaking HVAC creates moisture which forms a perfect thriving ground for mold and mildew. Inspect your unit thoroughly to find any sources of leaks. Seal the ones that you can, and contact a technician to repair the ones you can’t. If the smell is coming from burnt wiring, contact a professional to deal with the problem. Handling electrical connections without experience can be dangerous, and may lead to electrocution or fires. 

Summing Up

When your HVAC starts acting up, these troubleshooting tips may help you find and fix minor issues. However, if the problems are more serious, contact a reputable technician. They’ll inspect your system and perform the necessary repairs to restore its functionality.